Have various size mailer bags and boxes for mailing.
Phone camera. Easiest way to take pictures for Ebay. Printer/Printer Paper. Printing postal labels through Ebay is cheaper than buying through USPS, so it’s best to print at home. I use my kitchen scale and it’s pretty accurate. To weigh items/packages for shipping costs. To give measurements of clothing when needed. Great for cutting loose thread, packing tape, and printed mailing labels. Use this to seal boxes, attach postal labels, and to remove lint from clothing. Since Ebay selling consists sharing images of the item(s) you’re selling and shipping, there are certain ‘must have’ supplies. I don’t even have to leave my home! I can list everything on Ebay, sell it, pack it, and schedule a USPS pick up!. To me, Ebay is still a bit easier and items can be listed any time of the day AND can be scheduled to post at future times. There are a lot of rules and it’s a lot of work. Local resell events requires all pieces to be tagged, cataloged online, hung, and dropped off/picked up at certain times.
Ebay reaches more people and you will likely get a better price.
Second-hand shops often require an appointment and pay very low for brand name kids clothes. Selling on Ebay lets you sell all of your items if you choose and when you choose. This means they send it back to you or donate it. Online sites and apps often require you to send in your items and may not accept all of it. Unlike Facebook and Craigslist, I don’t get a ton of low ballers (people that want everything for 50 cents) and don’t have to worry about arranging a pick-up time/location. However, one of my favorite and easiest ways to sell kids clothes is on Ebay.Įbay is my choice for selling kids clothes for several reasons: There’s Facebook groups, online sites, mobile apps, Craigslist, second-hand children resell shops, and local kid resell events.
There are a lot of options to selling kids clothes. The most problematic closet was my youngest daughter’s closet, which housed 6 bins of outgrown kids clothes (4 girls bins and 2 boys bins)! I’m not sure why I held on to so many old clothes, but I made it a goal to get rid of all of it this year. It’s because I’ve been decluttering and reorganizing all of our overstuffed closets.
You’ll notice that I’ve been MIA on the blog lately.
Are you drowning in outgrown kids clothes and want to make some cash? Here is a how-to and tips for selling kids clothes on Ebay!